Patricia J. Cistaro

Patricia J. Cistaro

Family Law Attorney/Partner at Murphy & Cistaro, LLC

Accurate profile (3 sources)


Rating 4.93 stars 2 Reviews, 5 Recommendations

Practice area: Divorce and separation, Child support, Child custody, Domestic violence, Free Consultation (30 minutes)




Divorce and custody disputes are never easy. My mission is to educate my clients about the law and the process so they can make informed decisions during what is likely one of the most difficult and emotional experiences of their life. I represent clients in matters related to divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, the division of assets, domestic violence, post-judgment applications and all related issues. I also handle military divorce, custody and child support matters. I am a qualified mediator in the State of New Jersey. I advocate for my clients with compassion, dedication and experience. I invite you to schedule a free consultation, either in person or over the phone, to discuss your specific family law needs.
*Avvo Rating is calculated using a mathematical model that considers elements such as years of experience, board certification, education, disciplinary history, professional achievement, and industry recognition-all factors that are relevant to assessing a doctor, dentist or lawyer's qualifications. This honor is not issued for a price.  No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.


Address: 27 East Main Street, Mendham Borough, NJ, USA

Fax: (973) 813-8110

Phone: (973) 813-8100

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