✅ Accurate profile (4 sources)
very good job
Oleg Feldman really sets a high bar for other business and employment attorneys because he is so proactive, thorough and compassionate. He has been our company's exclusive legal advisor since our incorporation, and has helped us with issues related to employees and contractors, business structure and partnerships, risk prevention and litigation avoidance, and even the day-to-day operations infrastructure components like the creation of a robust contract/agreement between our firm and our independent contractors. I used to think that a business attorney was someone you called when you found yourself in trouble; Oleg has taught me that a great business attorney will help you anticipate challenges as your business evolves and that you never need to experience "trouble" at all. I could not more highly recommend Oleg Feldman for small to mid-sized businesses in Wisconsin and Illinois. I trust him; I am continually impressed by his knowledge and experience; and, what's more, I really like him. If you represent a company that doesn't have inside counsel, you really need to create a relationship with Oleg. It's a strategic move, and one you'll always be glad you made.
Oleg is a brilliant attorney who is extraordinarily diligent and always proves to be an asset to those around him. It was a great pleasure to work with Oleg, and I strongly recommend him to anyone who may need legal services in the Milwaukee/Chicago area.
Oleg was an extremely hard-working attorney who was eager to learn and always ready to lend a hand. Moreover, he was a pleasure to work with, given his sense of humor and general good nature. I wish he were still with us!
We help our clients to work and live smarter. After more than a decade of working in a “big firm” environment, we decided to create a different kind of law firm. Our firm combines the talent and experience our clients demand with the quality of services and attention they deserve. At Feldman Law Offices, Ltd., we focus not only on practicing law and solving clients' problems but also on building real relationships with our clients based on trust and confidence.
We provide advice and counsel to clients concerning a broad range of business and commercial matters, including business organizations, risk management, employment law, workers compensation, and tax representation.
Ваш адвокат – это Ваше доверенное лицо, которое сможет объяснить Вам ваши юридические права и обеспечить необходимую защиту в любой инстанции.
Ваш адвокат – это один из залогов успеха Вашего бизнеса и Вас лично.
Наша задача – поддержать идеи и начинания нашиx Клиентов правовой базой, помогая им, таким образом, найти наиболее оптимальное решение.
В нашей фирме проводят большую разъяснительную и информационную работу, что дает нашим Клиентам чувство уверенности в завтрашнем дне.
Позвоните нам для бесплатной и kонфиденциальной консультации и мы поможем Вaм построить вaше успешное завтра!
Address: 100 South Saunders StreetSuite 150, Lake Forest, IL, USA
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/olegfeldman/
Avvo: https://www.avvo.com/attorneys/60045-il-oleg-feldman-1509153.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lexern-Law-Group/307036012656450
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