Nick Wooten

Nick Wooten

Owner at Nick Wooten, LLC

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Practice area: Litigation, Contracts and agreements, Personal injury




The emphasis of my law practice is to provide representation to consumers related to the misconduct of debt collectors, creditors in bankruptcy court and mortgage servicers.  I also provide training to other firms and attorneys pursuing similar litigation around the country and selectively co-counsel on important litigation. From 2007 until 2012 I worked extensively in mortgage foreclosure defense litigation.  I am recognized as a national thought leader on the legal issues facing homeowners defending foreclosures.  I litigated extensively issues concerning the failure of the securitization process in the mortgage industry. I was also responsible for critical depositions of the executives at MERS and LPS (Lender Processing Services).  Currently most of my litigation is in the Bankruptcy Courts and relates to creditor, debt collector and mortgage servicer misconduct.  I have been recognized nationally for my work in various areas of consumer litigation and my expertise on mortgage securitization and structured finance issues. I have a client base that consists of consumers, investors and bankruptcy trustees for whom I pursue litigation.  I have been selected to speak on several national panels on these topics including serving as a faculty member to the Federal Judicial College on mortgage securitization issues in 2011.
I also handle very select cases of high complexity with significant financial exposure.  I handle these matters in Alabama and nationally with select co-counsel with appropriate skills and experience for the task at hand.   The areas that I focus on in my practice are: Consumer Litigation, Bankruptcy Litigation, Mortgage Servicing Litigation, and complex litigation including all forms of personal injury claims and class actions.In addition to my litigation practice I have indepth knowledge of structured finance, complex finance, leasebacks and renewable energy project funding.  I completed my LLM in International Finance and Taxation Summa Cum Laude in December of 2013.  I gained tremendous knowledge of advanced financial transactions and taxation issues.  I have studied and am familiar with complex negotiable instruments, advanced real estate financing techniques, advanced financing techniques, offshore insurance and reinsurance vehicles and advanced tax planning for high net worth individuals and businesses.


Address: Po Box 3389, Auburn, AL, USA

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