Melissa Fecak

Melissa Fecak

Family Attorney, Mediator and Collaborative Divorce Practitioner

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Practice area: Divorce and separation, Mediation, Family, Child custody




After working at a small litigation firm in North Jersey, I decided I had enough of family law.  I took a couple of months off and it was then I realized that my problem was not with family law, but with litigation.  After this revelation, I decided to start my own firm where the emphasis would be on serving clients compassionately.  Meaning, we would offer options on how parties separate and give them the information and tools they need to move forward.
I am a trained mediator and collaborative practitioner.  I believe that the most successful divorces are those where the parties have taken control of their lives and made decisions that are beneficial to themselves and their families.  Collaborative and mediated divorces are less expensive, less stressful and more satisfying then litigated divorces.
What not everyone knows about me is that I worked in several different industries before entering law.  I have a Bachelor's in Fine Arts.  I worked in the toy industry, with animals, in standardized testing and in computer compliance prior to becoming a lawyer.  My diverse experience has provided me with some insight and information that many of my colleagues do not have.


Address: 16 N. Centre St., 2nd Fl., Merchantville, NJ, USA

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