Lisa Haster

Lisa Haster

Entrepreneur & Attorney | Founder of JDsync & Metropolitan Law Group P.A. | Best Selling Author

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Rating 4.6 stars 2 Reviews, 1 Recommendations

Practice area: Estate planning, Probate




Your Family's Future:  Transparent.
We are Estate Planning Attorneys who help families preserve their wealth and pass along their legacies to loved ones. With 15 years experience discovering and litigating against people's assets, there are few better equipped to protect yours.
We don't prepare one-size-fits-all boilerplate wills & trusts because we recognize that every estate and every client's needs are different.  Instead, every plan is customized to maximize client's protection of assets while minimizing risk of exposure to excessive estate tax.  Our goal is to keep clients' loved ones out of court and out of conflict.
We quote clients with a one time flat fee based on their specific needs BEFORE they retain us.


Address: Metropolitan Law Group PA730 Stinson Blvd #210, Minneapolis, MN, USA

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