Lisa A Montgomery

Lisa A Montgomery

Attorney and Counselor at Law

Accurate profile (3 sources)


Rating 4.65 stars 1 Reviews, 0 Recommendations

Practice area: Litigation




I've added some pics of the co-working space where I have my office, Launch Pad, It's a great community work place. It's a popular place for attorney offices and we've formed an informal legal community. We exchange ideas and discuss legal issues, and sometimes just office supplies (do you have any legal size paper? how about a true copy stamp?). We even refer cases back and forth.
There are also so many kinds of businesses at Launch Pad - graphic artists, photographers, software types, video production - that we can usually find whatever non-legal help that we need.
I forgot to mention that Launch Pad is dog friendly - see pic of puppy at work!


Address: 400 Poydras St Ste 900, New Orleans, LA, USA

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