Lee Morin

Lee Morin

Principal at MORIN Entertainment Law

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Practice area: Entertainment




Lee Morin is an entertainment attorney licensed in Georgia. Her law firm, MORIN Entertainment Law, represents talent, entertainment companies, and private investors, with its focus in facilitating content development, production, and distribution in the United States and foreign territories. Lee specializes in corporate finance and intellectual properties for entertainment start-ups. She is also an Adjunct Professor of Law for Georgia State University College of Law, where she developed and instructed its first executive education workshop for non-lawyers in the arts, sports, and entertainment industries. She is a member of the Entertainment & Sports and Intellectual Property Law sections of the Georgia Bar and several arts & entertainment trade associations. Lee serves on the Board of Directors for Women in Film & Television Atlanta and advocates for music creators’ rights for The Recording Academy®. She is a seasoned moderator, lecturer, and author, publishing quarterly newsletters, podcasts, and video content annually. For more information, please visit morinentlaw.com


Address: 626 DeKalb Ave, NE, Atlanta, GA, USA

Phone: (404) 800-5568

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