Kenneth Reich

Kenneth Reich

Partner at Lewis Hansen Law Firm

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Practice area: Personal injury, Medical malpractice, Wrongful death, Lawsuits and disputes, Employment and labor




Every Utah business faces legal issues ranging from lawsuits to estate planning to choosing your successor to figuring out how to make the transition to a publicly traded corporation. Although there is no single attorney who is able to handle all legal issues that arise, I have over seventeen years' experience helping my clients navigate legal waters by assembling the right legal expertise. I have a large stable of legal partners at Snow Christensen & Martineau to help as well as legal, business, and expert contacts in numerous fields. My job is to assemble the right knowledge and expertise to handle any legal problems that arise.
I have litigated various business-related claims on behalf of Utah businesses in state and federal court. I work closely with clients to help relieve them of the burden that legal issues often bring. I am committed to thoroughly understanding my clients’ issues, listening closely to their objectives and needs, and vigorously protecting their interests in litigation and transactional matters. I am passionate about helping my clients solve problems, build their business, avoid litigation, and resolve disputes when they arise.
On a more personal level, my interests vary depending on the time of year and my mood. Sometimes I feel like the guy in the Bittersweet Symphony music video: "I'm a million different people from one day to the next...." On any given day you can find me obsessing about the following (in no particular order):
If I can help you with anything legal related, please feel free to contact me. If I cannot do it for you, I have partners who most likely can. If they cannot help you, I have local friends and associates who most likely can. If they cannot help you, usually because of the specialized nature of the issue or the geographic location of your issue, my firm is associated with a large worldwide network of attorneys who absolutely can. I look forward to hearing from you.


Address: 8 East Broadway, Suite 410, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

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