Jason Cerbone

Jason Cerbone

DUI Defense Lawyer & President at Cerbone DUI Defense

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Practice area: DUI and DWI




INTERVIEWER: Can you recall an exact moment when you decided to become a DUI lawyer?
JASON CERBONE: No, I always wanted to be a criminal defense trial lawyer. Trying a DUI case in front of the jury is my favorite thing to do. I have to be in the courtroom to be happy whether I get paid for it or not. And, I want to do it better than anybody has ever done it. It is an enormous challenge and it is harder than anything else that I have ever done -- so I do it. And it makes me happy when I do it well.
Jason Cerbone is a DUI Defense Lawyer in Savannah, Georgia at Cerbone DUI Defense. He is chosen by medical professionals, lawyers, bail-bondsmen, commissioners, bankers, and SCAD students, to name a few. Jason Cerbone is trying to give you the strongest DUI defense available in Savannah, Georgia. He is a certified instructor in DUI Standardized Field Sobriety Testing recognized by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
Standing before the testifying police officer, Jason knew the DUI Field Sobriety Tests were given incorrectly on this DUI arrest he wanted to get the officer to admit it. So, patiently, persistently, question after question, he calmly brought the officer toward the goal. The officer didn't know he destroyed the prosecution's case. But the judge did. And when Jason asked the judge to dismiss the DUI charges against Marty, the Bail Bondsman, he did. Yet another case. Yet another win.
Take the Golf Pro who he won a DUI jury trial for, or Joe who he won his DUI jury trial two weeks later. Or the Soldier who won his DUI jury trial. He who won three contested DUI license suspension cases in one day. But, don't let his hard-fought wins fool you, because if he can get your DUI thrown out or plead down than he will.
Jason Cerbone's commitment to DUI defense is wholly unparalleled. He is working hard to achieve success in Georgia DUI cases. But most of all, Jason is simply determined beyond all measure.


Address: 302 E. Oglethorpe Avenue, Savannah, GA, USA

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