Jason Bassett

Jason Bassett

Solo Practitioner at Law Offices of Jason Bassett, P.C.

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Practice area: Criminal defense, Federal crime, Civil rights, Juvenile law, Personal injury, Free Consultation (60 minutes)




Jason Bassett, Esq. has dedicated his practice to protecting the rights of individuals against powerful institutions, including prosecutors’ offices, police departments, jails, various government agencies, as well as corporations and insurance companies. He aggressively defends people at both the state and federal level against criminal charges and fights for their rights pursuing civil litigation. Mr. Bassett brings a unique combination of skill, experience, and zealous advocacy to provide his clients the best possible outcomes. In order to ensure that your rights are protected, contact the Law Offices of Jason Bassett, P.C.


Address: 200 Motor Parkway, Suite C-17, Hauppauge, NY, USA

Phone: (631) 863-9455

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