Fred Clarke, Esq.

Fred Clarke, Esq.

Business Owner at Law Office of Fred Clarke

Accurate profile (4 sources)


Rating 4.33 stars 2 Reviews, 1 Recommendations

Practice area: Family, Divorce and separation




After 20 years of managing corporate communications for some of the largest firms in the US, I entered the legal profession. I was tired of helping big business in their pursuit of the all mighty dollar. I wanted to help real people for a change.
Nothing is more rewarding than to help a family through the toughest times. Nothing more fullfiling than to protect someone in harm's way.
I might be a lawyer, but I know that divorce is more than just the law: It's about emotion. It's about protecting the children. It is about moving on.
Let me help you move on.
Call me for a free, personal consultation on your rights and obligations at (845) 298-2000.


Address: 222 Church Street, Poughkeepsie, NY, USA

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