Dana C. Palmer

Dana C. Palmer

Attorney at Law

Accurate profile (4 sources)


Rating 3.65 stars 2 Reviews, 5 Recommendations

Practice area: Family, Child support, Divorce and separation, Estate planning




Mr. Palmer has experience in many areas of law including family law, estate planning, business litigation, business creation, criminal defense, personal injury and a variety of other matters. Now, he and his firm focus on helping people get a Soft Divorce® – because divorce doesn’t have to be so hard®.
Mr. Palmer and his wife, Summer, regularly attend the Prestoncrest Church of Christ in Dallas and participate in bible studies there.
"I’m always looking for a better way to do something, then I want to share that with others. The reason I do what I do is because I believe a Soft Divorce® is better than a hard divorce. It’s my life’s mission to help people get through the divorce process in the healthiest way possible."


Address: 321 North Central ExpresswaySuite 220, Mckinney, TX, USA

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