Chris Osborn

Chris Osborn

Educational innovator & collaborative resolver of complex legal & familial disputes

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Practice area: Litigation, Divorce and separation, Employment and labor, Construction and development, Mediation




I am passionate about using my training as a mediator and collaborative lawyer (and my time having taught negotiaiton & conflict resolution skills in law school and continuing legal education) to help people and businesses resolve complex disputes in as cost-effective a manner as possible.
Conflict is always expensive-- particularly in terms of the time, stress, energy, and money that often have to be spent dealing with it. The litgaition process is one way to resolve conflict and disputes, but it is not the only way.  And it is rarely if ever the most efficient, quickest, affordable, or enjoyable way. Not a single client has ever approached me after a trial or after having his or her deposition taken and said, "Wow, that was so much fun!  Let's do it again soon, shall we?" And never has a client who paid me to take a matter all the way through depositions, hearings, and trial ever thought I didn't get paid enough for my efforts, and decided to throw in a little something extra for my efforts because he or she felt bad for me.
If you allow our firm the privilege of reviewing your complex family law or business or probate administration dipsute, we will be sure to evaluate all the options avaialble for protecting or enforcing your rights. If your case is a fit for a collborative law approah, anf the other side can be persuaded to come to the same conlcusion--for the sake of saving everyone time, money, and stress, then we are uniquiely positioned to assit If filing a suit--or defending yourself in one that has already been filed against you-- is the most cost-effective means of addressing the situation, given the amount in controversy, personalities, interpersonal dynamics, and complexity of the legal issues presented, then we will pursure that route vigorously.  But we will always keep our eyes open for avenues of resolving the dispute more quickly or affordably, whenever possible--whether thru mediaiton or some form of collaborative law process.


Address: 308 E. Worthington Ave., Charlotte, NC, USA

Phone: (704) 800-0277

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